Elizabeth Resnick is a double certified health coach and the owner of Happy, Healthy, and Hot — where she coaches successful women (and some men) on weight loss and fitness, focusing on the building blocks of a healthy lifestyle.
Her audience comes from social media, but she makes money by selling 90-minute intensive — one-on-one coaching sessions. People looking for specifically catered recipes, workouts, and advice sign up and get personalized help from her.
Limited clients, limited time
Elizabeth sells one-on-one coaching. And she has to set her prices high enough to be profitable in her business. But some of her potential clients may not be willing or able to pay for her sessions.
Even if everyone could afford her sessions, she has limited time to offer them. So, Elizabeth began to seek out more affordable and scalable methods of monetization — while still providing the same amazing value to her clients.
A summer sale sparks a new revenue stream
Since ecommerce landing pages are free in Elizabeth’s AWeber account, she decided to create a sale, offering a 1-hour Zoom session for $74.
Since setting up a landing page is so easy, a sale was a no-brainer for the 4th of July (it’s never too late to work on that summer body).
Elizabeth set up a sales page with her Stripe integration — and it was a roaring success. She sold more sessions than she ever imagined.
She had found a new revenue stream: Shorter sessions at a lower price. But Elizabeth didn’t have time to give one-off sessions to everyone who wanted one in the long run.
Her business was growing but she still had a problem — her time for coaching is limited.
A scalable business model
How could Elizabeth scale her new business model? With group sessions, that’s how!
She created a new program called “Next Level You in 2022” that offers 4 weeks of group coaching. Check out the amazing sales page she made for it in AWeber:
She charges slightly less per person and offers the same great recipes, workouts, and advice in group video calls. But, better than that, the people attending her groups are able to talk amongst themselves about struggles, successes, and tips.
Elizabeth is creating a community.
By reducing individual prices, Elizabeth can now offer health and happiness to a larger audience. And, since she offers services to multiple people at a time, she is actually making more money per hour — and overall.
How can you scale your business?
Do you charge per hour for your services? Are you looking for a way to scale too?
First, try offering a sale with AWeber Ecommerce. You can set up a new landing page to offer your services at a lower price. What you might find is that you have a big audience of people who want your services, but feel more comfortable paying a lower price.
How to add a buy button to your landing page:
Then, you have two options. You could group together several similar customers or clients and offer services in bulk at a lower per-person price.
If your service doesn’t lend itself to group sessions, that’s okay! Sometimes people don’t want other people to know they need help in certain areas. Try a class, webinar, or paid video course instead (you can charge for any of these using a free AWeber landing page).
Need help getting started, customize one of our 100+ landing page templates.
Learn from your experience and iterate. Who knows, you could find a new monetization track just like Elizabeth.
How she got started quickly
Elizebeth got her new revenue stream up and running in less than one hour. How? By starting with 3 pre-built landing page templates in her AWeber account.
These landing pages were perfect for her business.
Here are three landing pages Elizabeth uses to grow and monetize her business:
- Ecommerce page for a limited-time sale
Copy this page into your account.
All you need to set up a sale page is a landing page and a Stripe account. Copy one of our dozens of landing page templates into your account, connect Stripe and add a purchase button, and update the page with your details.
Then click “Publish” and start promoting it. As soon as your sale is done, you can redirect the URL to another page or simply remove it.
- Post-purchase thank you page
Copy this page into your account.
Once someone has bought your service or course, you need to thank them — and let them know when and how they’ll receive it. You can set up an autoresponder to send them an email, but redirect them to a thank you page as well.
Let your new clients know what they’ll receive and when. You can even set up this page to include a video or course they might expect to receive.
- Link page for social media bios
Copy this page into your account.
If you’re using Instagram or TikTok for your social media marketing, you know well that they only offer one link — in your bio. Set up a mobile friendly link list page. Include any affiliate links, lead magnets, your sale page(s), and, of course, a sign up form to your newsletter.
Try AWeber today
You can get access to email marketing, an autoresponder, landing pages, ecommerce, over 700 integrations and more with an AWeber account.
Plus, AWeber has over 100 landing page templates you can use for your business (completely free).
Sign up and start selling more today!
The post How This Health and Lifestyle Coach Scaled Her Business appeared first on AWeber.